Polar Star
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Polar Star

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View as you approach the chalet.
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Nr. 1 von 1 Lodge in Yllasjarvi
3,8 von fünf Punkten
3,5 von fünf Punkten
4,8 von fünf Punkten
4,8 von fünf Punkten
4,7 von fünf Punkten
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Yllasjarvi Finnland
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ajx13 hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Feb. 2017
Rode Heath, Vereinigtes Königreich
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Wir buchten unsere Reise nach lainio Schnee Dorf mit diesem Unternehmen. Büro neben krt Büro. Andrew war unser Führer und wir fanden ihn für eine sehr enthusiastisch Person mit einem Reichtum an Wissen zu teilen. Er gab uns extra Zeit zum Erkunden der Ice Hotel und unterhielten sich danach in der Bar bei einem Drink. Er ist auch der Snowshoe Guide und zu erklären, wie er musste die Qualifikationen dazu da die Kenntnis des Terrains war schwieriger als sie fest. Ich würde auf jeden Fall wieder Deal mit ihnen. . . ein tolles, freundliches Paar! !
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Language Weaver
Aufenthaltsdatum: Januar 2017Reiseart: Reiseart: als Paar
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Botanicspup hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Dez. 2016
Sentosa Island, Singapur
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Our encounter with the company from start to finish was beyond expectations.

My phone call was answered by a lady who told me that they do not have a snowshoe tour that evening and offered something else instead. But we really wanted the snowshoe experience. She agreed to check and revert. Within minutes, she texted to inform me that they would do a private tour for my husband and I.

We were picked up by Andrew, our guide and drove for about 20 minutes to the pine forest. After putting the snowshoes on for us, he led us into the woods. At minus 29 degrees, it took a lot of effort to walk in the thick snow. During the walk, Andrew told many interesting stories about life in the woods. After some 45 minutes, we saw a glow in the sky, and yes, it was the Aurora before our eyes! While we gawk at the lights, Andrew made a fire in a Kota and roasted reindeer hotdogs for us and served us glogi (berry juice). We had a great time listening to his stories.

We enjoyed the tour so much that we decided to do a tour of the Sami village and reindeer farm with him the next day. Again, even though they did not have the minimum number for the tour, Andrew agreed to take the 2 of us on the tour. As we had to check out of our hotel at 11am and depart on a flight at 7pm that evening, he even offered to take our luggages on the van and safekeep for us until we are ready to leave for the airport. His service is truly first class as he went beyond his call of duty to help us.

It's people like Andrew and companies like Polar Star that helped make our vacation in Finland a very enjoyable one.
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Aufenthaltsdatum: Dezember 2016Reiseart: Reiseart: als Paar
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
daddydave5 hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Juni 2012
Mansfield, Vereinigtes Königreich
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Stayed at the Polar Star in Febuary with one other couple and a group of 8. We came here as the only option left available when chasing the northern lights. It turned out to be very good value with lots of extras and the experience of sharing with total strangers was a delight. As an older couple, the prospect of sharing with a young group of skiers was quite daunting, they all turned out to be really nice and sociable, and really they completed what was a very special holiday

Polar Star is situated amongst trees and gives a woodland feel whilst being no more than 10 mins. walk from any key area. The chalet is typically pretty and wooden, one of the best looking in the village. Our upstairs room had little headroom but gave a good view between the trees when looking for the lights through the night. Dinners and breakfast were provided and reasonably portioned, although really big eaters may need to make up at lunch.

Inghams were generally good but watch out for trips with them that don't allow enough time for all things in the itinary - our rep blamed the snow for slowing our travelling despite there being no new snow for days !! However, booking the trips at the point of booking the holiday did save us a lot of money, and they were very memorable.

We made use of the extras included -- thermal suite and boots, cross-country skis and boots, and snow shoes. As none skiiers, being able to ski across a frozen lake was incredible, there are many miles of cross-country tracks for the more axperienced.

For anyone thinking of going to Yllas, look up destination Lapland and its photo diary, (the wall)
The photos say so much more than any review can.
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Aufenthaltsdatum: Februar 2012
5,0 von fünf PunktenPreis/Leistung
3,0 von fünf PunktenZimmer
5,0 von fünf PunktenLage
4,0 von fünf PunktenSauberkeit
4,0 von fünf PunktenService
4,0 von fünf PunktenSchlafqualität
Reiseart: Reiseart: als Paar
Zimmertipp: rooms 1 to 4 are downstairs and have facilities but not large rooms 5 and 6 are upstairs, no...
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Matt hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Mai 2011
Cubert, Vereinigtes Königreich
5,0 von fünf Punkten
We travelled in a party of 12 for our wedding in January 2011. Lapland is an amazing place, and we will definately be returning - one word that best describes it is 'Magical'.

Granted - as we got married there it was always going to be a special trip. However, the chalet, the chalet hosts, the food, the snow, the atmosphere, the friendly locals, amazing range of winter sports and uniqueness of this amazing place and amazing chalet cannot be underestimated - this was a special trip in a fantastic chalet.

The chalet hosts were great, and the food was amazing, all home cooked and plentiful (as was the wine).

Highly recommended chalet, and Yllas is a great place for a winter destination with a difference - Magical.
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Aufenthaltsdatum: Januar 2011
5,0 von fünf PunktenPreis/Leistung
5,0 von fünf PunktenZimmer
5,0 von fünf PunktenLage
5,0 von fünf PunktenSauberkeit
5,0 von fünf PunktenService
5,0 von fünf PunktenSchlafqualität
Reiseart: Reiseart: als Paar
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Empyfree hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Feb. 2010
Bradford, UK
5,0 von fünf Punkten
I've just returned from a weeks stay in Chalet Polar Star in the beautiful Finnish Lapland.

Although this websites says "Polar Star, Yllasjarvi" the chalet is actually located in the village of Akaslompolo on the other side of Yllas fell (the ski mountain!)

I travelled with my partner and booked using a late-deal website. We were allocated a non ensuite room which we were fine with. Our minor gripe with the description was that no mention was made of the showering situation. Basically the two upstairs rooms share a (communal) shower area with the Chalet's Sauna. The shower area is lockable, so you can have privacy, but we found that often the sauna would be occupied when we got home from skiing, thereby denying us the chance to shower. I guess you could shower wearing a bathing suit, but that's less than ideal.

Gripes over! The chalet is great, with comfy seats, under-floor heating and a couple of nice fire-places. The thing that made our holiday was the Chalet Hosts, Claire and Craig from Inghams who treated us like royalty! I cannot thank them enough, from their local knowledge and advice, to their amazing food (A weeks skiing, and I put on weight!). At the end of the week we felt guilty that they were still working so hard, we considered them part of our group!

There were six couples sharing the chalet, none of the couples knew each other prior to the holiday but that didn't matter, we all got on, meeting up for lunchtime BBQ's on the ski-slopes and heading down to the lake at night to watch the northern lights.

The chalet is located in a residential area, it took us about ten minutes each morning to walk to the Akas hotel where the ski-bus stops. The lake is a similar distance, the supermarket is a little further (15 mins)

Yllas as a resort was a great experience, the skiing was lovely (great powder and empty slopes) and the excursions that are available seem high quality with lots of local flavour and little commercialisation. My partner and I took part in the Husky super safari, which saw us both drive about 5km through the pristine Lappish woodland handling our own team of six huskies.

Local food and drink is typically Scandinavialy expensive, expect to pay around the 5 euro mark for a beer in a restaurant. With the food and wine available at the Chalet I only needed to buy some beer from the supermarket and I was happy. At lunchtimes we found the best option was to buy some sausages and bread and cook at one of the many public accessible fire-places dotted around the ski-slopes and woods. Why would I eat in a cafe, when I can eat in the woods with Siberian Jays so inquisitive they'll eat out of your hand!

We saw a great display of the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) which topped of a magical holiday.
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Aufenthaltsdatum: Februar 2010
5,0 von fünf PunktenPreis/Leistung
4,0 von fünf PunktenZimmer
3,0 von fünf PunktenLage
5,0 von fünf PunktenSauberkeit
5,0 von fünf PunktenService
4,0 von fünf PunktenSchlafqualität
Reiseart: Reiseart: als Paar
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POLAR STAR - Bewertungen & Fotos (Finnland/Yllasjarvi) - Tripadvisor