Baker River Campground
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Baker River Campground
56 Campground Rd, Rumney, NH 03266-3506
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56 Campground Rd, Rumney, NH 03266-3506
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Personal Connection
Baker River Campground will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s where I was first introduced to camping as a child. My first visit was in 1969 when I was eight years old. Last year, I returned for the first time in over 50 years. While much has changed, the basic layout of the camp remains the same, and it’s still family-owned, which is wonderful.
Current Stay
I stayed on site #20 with my class B van. Here are some highlights and details of my experience:
Site Location: Conveniently near the road going out and to the beach.
Amenities: Electrical and water hookup, a well-placed fire pit, and a bathroom/shower house right across from my site. The facilities were very clean, thanks to regular cleaning.
Campground Condition: Maintained excellently, largely due to Reno, the full-time staff member who oversees the place. He was outstanding. The only reason I gave it a 5 was because of him.
Environment: Located on the Baker River with a cozy beach. Limited amenities (horseshoe pit and a small playground), but both were in excellent condition. The campground is perfect for those who prefer a traditional camping experience without additional frills.
During the week, the campground was quiet, but it got crowded on the weekends with seasonal campers and tent setups closer to the river. I appreciate the layout and the ambiance of the campground.
Negative Aspects
Unfortunately, a recent change in ownership to a corporation has brought noticeable changes:
Loss of Personal Touch: The campground has lost its personal feel. Reno is still a lifesaver, but he’s the only one maintaining the old charm.
Neglect by Management: The focus has shifted to another campground, Riverbrook, which is evident from their social media presence and activities. Baker River is largely neglected, and even basic acknowledgments from the management are lacking.
Lack of Engagement: The director of both campgrounds visited but did not engage with campers. When Reno was on vacation, there was no other staff available to assist.
Seasonal Campers' Discontent: Long-term campers have noticed the decline and are considering not returning next year.
Corporate Focus: The corporation seems more interested in raising prices and saving money rather than maintaining and improving Baker River Campground.
Final Thoughts
I write this review out of a deep passion for Baker River Campground. It’s painful to see the decline in care and attention. I believe each campground should be treated as a separate entity with full-time events and dedicated management. The current corporate approach appears to prioritize profit over the well-being of the campground and its community.
It’s a shame to see such a beloved place being neglected. I hope the management will take these concerns seriously and work towards restoring the charm and personal touch that made Baker River Campground special.
Mike Weild
Weild on Wheels
Baker River Campground will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s where I was first introduced to camping as a child. My first visit was in 1969 when I was eight years old. Last year, I returned for the first time in over 50 years. While much has changed, the basic layout of the camp remains the same, and it’s still family-owned, which is wonderful.
Current Stay
I stayed on site #20 with my class B van. Here are some highlights and details of my experience:
Site Location: Conveniently near the road going out and to the beach.
Amenities: Electrical and water hookup, a well-placed fire pit, and a bathroom/shower house right across from my site. The facilities were very clean, thanks to regular cleaning.
Campground Condition: Maintained excellently, largely due to Reno, the full-time staff member who oversees the place. He was outstanding. The only reason I gave it a 5 was because of him.
Environment: Located on the Baker River with a cozy beach. Limited amenities (horseshoe pit and a small playground), but both were in excellent condition. The campground is perfect for those who prefer a traditional camping experience without additional frills.
During the week, the campground was quiet, but it got crowded on the weekends with seasonal campers and tent setups closer to the river. I appreciate the layout and the ambiance of the campground.
Negative Aspects
Unfortunately, a recent change in ownership to a corporation has brought noticeable changes:
Loss of Personal Touch: The campground has lost its personal feel. Reno is still a lifesaver, but he’s the only one maintaining the old charm.
Neglect by Management: The focus has shifted to another campground, Riverbrook, which is evident from their social media presence and activities. Baker River is largely neglected, and even basic acknowledgments from the management are lacking.
Lack of Engagement: The director of both campgrounds visited but did not engage with campers. When Reno was on vacation, there was no other staff available to assist.
Seasonal Campers' Discontent: Long-term campers have noticed the decline and are considering not returning next year.
Corporate Focus: The corporation seems more interested in raising prices and saving money rather than maintaining and improving Baker River Campground.
Final Thoughts
I write this review out of a deep passion for Baker River Campground. It’s painful to see the decline in care and attention. I believe each campground should be treated as a separate entity with full-time events and dedicated management. The current corporate approach appears to prioritize profit over the well-being of the campground and its community.
It’s a shame to see such a beloved place being neglected. I hope the management will take these concerns seriously and work towards restoring the charm and personal touch that made Baker River Campground special.
Mike Weild
Weild on Wheels
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Aufenthaltsdatum: Juli 2024Reiseart: Reiseart: allein
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
We booked a last minute trip to New Hampshire over 4th of July weekend and were able to score a primitive campsite along the river at this small campground. Overall the grounds/bathroom were clean and the owners were very polite and helpful. Water spigots were nearby and the river sites were wooded enough to afford shady days. Not a ton of privacy between the campsites. This is a barebones campground so no pool or wifi. They have a small playground and field but if you're looking for one of those place with hayrides and such look elsewhere. However they are right along the Baker River which was great for tubing and cooling off. The biggest negative was that on the far side of the river is a busy road which could be quite noisy. I tuned it out almost immediately but if car traffic bothers you then you probably don't want a site right next to the river. 4th of July night was very loud from all the cars, people talking and fireworks in the distance but this proved to be an aberration - the next two nights were very peaceful once Quiet Hours set in and the traffic on the road was much less noticeable.
If you're not looking for anything fancy but want a clean affordable campground this is a good choice!
If you're not looking for anything fancy but want a clean affordable campground this is a good choice!
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Aufenthaltsdatum: Juli 2019Reiseart: Reiseart: mit der Familie
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Diese Bewertungen wurden maschinell aus der Originalsprache übersetzt. Möchten Sie die maschinellen Übersetzungen anzeigen?
Best gehütetes Geheimnis in das obere Tal von NH. Verstecktes Juwel Dieses ist eines der saubersten Campingplatz, das ich je gesehen habe. Jeder vom Personal, das die Camper waren extrem freundlich und hilfsbereit. Die Anlage ist gut instand gehalten und verfügen über einen privaten Sandstrand, wo können Sie den Tag in Ihrem Kajak oder Kanu oder abgesetzt werden. Ich würde es auf jeden Fall empfehlen dies Campingplatz zu anderen.
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Aufenthaltsdatum: Juli 2016Reiseart: Reiseart: mit Freunden
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Nur für eine Nacht gewohnt aber beschlossen, länger bleiben. Pet-freundlich, Fluss, großer Spielplatz, freundliches Personal, schöne Duschen. Vollständige oder teilweise Anschlüsse zur Verfügung. Wir waren in einer Gegend saisonale Camper, die sind so schön ... genossen ein Lagerfeuer und Freundschaften, die Menschen und Hunde. Die Eigentümer sind wirklich nett und Sehenswürdigkeiten sind schön.
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Aufenthaltsdatum: August 2015Reiseart: Reiseart: mit der Familie
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
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USANew HampshireWhite MountainsRumney
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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Baker River Campground
Welche beliebten Sehenswürdigkeiten befinden sich in der Nähe von Baker River Campground?
Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Umgebung sind z. B. Polar Caves Park (0,5 km), The Flying Monkey Movie House & Performance Center (7,9 km) und Quincy Bog Natural Area (0,8 km).
Welche Restaurants befinden sich in der Nähe von Baker River Campground?
Günstig gelegene Hotels sind z. B. The Main Street Station, Biederman's Deli and Pub und Thai Smile.