Wishing Well Cabins
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Wishing Well Cabins

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Nr. 2 von 2 Campingplätzen in Presque Isle
1,0 von fünf Punkten
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Jojo1970 hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Juni 2023
5,0 von fünf Punkten
The cabin was very clean and neat. The beds are very comfortable. The cabin has a Nice sitting room and deck to sit out by the lake. The Lake setting is very beautiful. It’s abNice area to walk around. The people in the area were very friendly. The area is dog friendly.
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Aufenthaltsdatum: Juni 2023Reiseart: Reiseart: mit der Familie
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Peter B hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Okt. 2020
1,0 von fünf Punkten
Cabins are in very poor order. Furniture was ripped wide open, ceilings contained mold throughout (we have photos) Downright dangerous - do yourself a favor and look elsewhere. We packed up our things and left within the hour that we arrived. Very disappointed. These cabins have great potential due to the location and view out the back. It is a shame they aren't kept up. For the price, you cannot simply call them Knotty Cabins and have that be an umbrella statement for "not kept up since the mid 80s".
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Aufenthaltsdatum: September 2020Reiseart: Reiseart: mit der Familie
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Cora J hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Aug. 2020
1,0 von fünf Punkten
We drove 7 hours from Ohio to discover a dirty cabin not cleaned after the last guests. Food bits on the table, grease/ashes all over the grill, trash around the trees in the outdoor area facing the lake, muddy shoes left behind by a guest, dirt on the mattress etc. We called the host to ask if it had been cleaned and we got nothing but attitude and her saying that it had been cleaned. We ended up leaving an hour after we left to find a hotel, I'm almost certain we won't be getting our money back even though we should. DO NOT stay here.
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Aufenthaltsdatum: August 2020
1,0 von fünf PunktenPreis/Leistung
1,0 von fünf PunktenService
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
NorthStar20460 hat eine Bewertung geschrieben, Jan. 2004
Highland, Mi
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Grand Lake, Presque Isle, is a beautiful lake situated in the heart of Presque Isle township, Presque Isle County. Off the north end of the lake is a development that was established in the seventies but has yet to really take off. Property is dirt cheap compared to anywhere else in the state. I mean lots are 2 to 4 thousand. Fire hydrants and electric are established. I dont know if the water is community well or if you need to put a well in but still the price is just to cheep not to take advantage. The development has a clubhouse with pool and hot tub, shower rooms , game room, weight room and a rentable hall upstairs. Newly paved roads. A comunity beach with beach houses is just down the way. The lake is beautiful with several islands and coves. I believe the lake is close to 13 miles long. We were there on the 4th and you could count the number of boats on the water with two hands. That is a lot of water and just a few boats. Most of them cruising the shorline at slow speed. People still wave to you when you go by. A large protion of the shoreline is wilderness. THe south end o fthe lake is a hughe sand bar where boats gather to play water voleyball and swim. Entire coves and bays have no houses in sight. I highly recommend visiting. We stayed at a place called Wishingwell Cottages or Wishingwell Cabins that was really nice. There are four or five cabins on the water with plenty of property between the cabins and the road. A great place for families with kids. The road is a point so the only traffic are the locals living out on the point. The view from the knotty pine cabins is marvelous. I recommend the area to all my friends looking for a new place to try. It is so much quieter on the east side of the state. John
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Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
jeflip hat eine Frage gestellt, Jan. 2017
Macomb, Michigan
trying to get info for this property pricing availability for july 22nd -july29th
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WISHING WELL CABINS - Bewertungen & Fotos (Presque Isle, MI) - Tripadvisor

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Wishing Well Cabins
Welche beliebten Sehenswürdigkeiten befinden sich in der Nähe von Wishing Well Cabins?
Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Umgebung sind z. B. Old Presque Isle Lighthouse (7,7 km), Besser Natural Preserve (5,0 km) und Homestead Park (4,0 km).
Welche Restaurants befinden sich in der Nähe von Wishing Well Cabins?
Günstig gelegene Hotels sind z. B. The Parker House Restaurant, Cottages, and Motel, Fireside Inn und Ida Mae's Portage Deli.