B&B Montefrancio
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Suchen Sie nach einer Unterkunft in Castelnuovo Magra? Dann sind Sie im B&B Montefrancio genau richtig, ein romantisches B&B, das Ihnen Castelnuovo Magra zu Füßen legen wird.
Darüber hinaus können die Gäste während ihres Aufenthalts im B&B Montefrancio den Zimmerservice, sowie Internet in Anspruch nehmen.
Besuchen Sie während Ihres Aufenthalts in Castelnuovo Magra eines der beliebten italienischen Restaurants wie Trattoria Armanda, Cinquecento Bisteccheria Focacceria und Agriturismo La Valle, die sich alle in der Nähe des B&B Montefrancio befinden.
In der Gegend können Sie viel unternehmen. So warten beispielsweise beliebte Schlösser auf Sie, darunter: Castello dei Vescovi di Luni.
Genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt im B&B Montefrancio und lernen Sie gleichzeitig Castelnuovo Magra von seiner besten Seite kennen.
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++ Italian breakfast (each morning the lady travels down the valley to buy some fresh bread!) and she cooks italian specialities that she proposes for the breakfast
++ hospitality
++ room
++ geo situation (cinque terre, Firenze, )
++ nature and vegetation around the house (olive tree,etc)
++ general advises (where to eat, where to go...)
+ price (I challeng you to find a good hotel at his price!)
Negative points:
- a car is required...
- if you do not want to talk a little bit do not go there.
Tips and tricks:
Go to Sarzana to have a dinner or even for shopping, really pleasant city!
Cinque terre: visit by boat, not by car!!!
Go watch a football game at Parma, not far from there. good atmosphere, friendly, family welcome.
(a iniziare da come muoversi ,da dove parcheggiare cosa vedere e dove mangiare, etc).
Il posto è tranquillo e immerso nel verde ma a un passo dai principali raccordi autostradali.
A fine vacanza tornerete a casa con tanta gioia per i posti visti e con due nuovi amici (quasi certamente tornerete a casa anche con qualche kg in più...)
On Saturday the 16th of august 2008 we arrived at the property of Carlo and Marina Del'Amico in Castelnuovo Margra. The house was situated in the hills with a magnificent view on the valley of Magra and the Mediterranean See. Marina, our landlady, and Carlo, her husband, were very gently people who did everything to make us feel comfortable. In the morning, after the breakfast under the kiwi veranda, we spend hours reading a book in the shadow of the olive trees. In the afternoon we went to Cinque Terre, lovely villages built along the steep mountains of the coast who are surrounded by man made terraces with vineyards, or to the marble caves of Carrara.
After a dinner in one of the restaurants in one of the villages near the coast we then returned to our holiday stay and drank a glass of wine with Carlo and Marina, enjoying the nice warm evening under the kiwi's with a magnificent view on the valley below us with all its flickering little lights.
After 5 days of having enjoyed this beautiful part of Italy and the lovely care of Marina and Carlo, we had to say goodbye and returned home. We had made new friends in Italy.
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