Mt. Defiance
Mt. Defiance
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Andrew R
Apalachin, NY151 Beiträge
Juli 2024 • Familie
I was skeptical at first. The road isn’t the greatest, and getting there was a little tricky on the streets of the old town, but the views were incredible . If you do the fort, don’t miss the mountain.
Verfasst am 10. Juli 2024
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Thank you for your visit and review! Although a steep drive up the mountain, it certainly is worth the breathtaking birds-eye-view!
Verfasst am 21. August 2024
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Debbie Nutter R
7 Beiträge
Okt. 2023 • Familie
Wonderful place to visit. The views are amazing and you can see Fort Ticonderoga from the top of Mount Defiance, also pet friendly.
Verfasst am 9. Oktober 2023
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Thank you for your visit and review, we hope to see you again!
Verfasst am 8. November 2023
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Jersey City, NJ1.003 Beiträge
Aug. 2023
Basically drove up the mountain to the summit. Views are great from the top and there is a pavilion with picnic benches to enjoy the view. There was a guide discussing the battle on top.
Verfasst am 27. August 2023
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Thank you for your review, we are happy you included Mount Defiance in your visit to experience the incredible birds-eye-view from the top!
Verfasst am 29. August 2023
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Chicoutimi, Kanada376 Beiträge
Aug. 2023 • Freunde
It’s a bit part of visiting Fort Ticondera. It takes 15 minutes, after the visit, but the view is worth it. Don't miss it.
Verfasst am 12. August 2023
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Thank you for your visit and review!
Verfasst am 23. August 2023
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Brooksville, FL255 Beiträge
Okt. 2022
The colors were amazing, but getting there was a sketchy experience. Road construction re-routed us and driving to the mountain felt like a deliverance road trip. Once we arrived, a small unmanned set of barricade arms prevented you from going any further unless you had a coin (which we did) and then a small winding drive up to the top. It was not maintained and showed it's age, but offered a nice view of the fort once you can get your bearings. It took about 5 minutes to do this and back down you went; nothing exciting to see here folks.
Verfasst am 26. Oktober 2022
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Glen Rock, NJ156 Beiträge
Sept. 2022 • Freunde
We have been going to Mount Defiance every time we're in Ticonderoga for decades. It used to be FREE. Now it is $10 It is a historic site that figured during the American revolutionary war. It is a basic look out that overlooks Ft. Ticonderoga and the southern end of Lake Champlain. It is a great place to have lunch (bring your own) There is a covered area with picnic tables. It is a steep drive up to the top. On a nice day it is a great place to spend part of a day.
Verfasst am 17. September 2022
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Thank you for your visit and review!
Verfasst am 2. Dezember 2022
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Mark G
Catonsville, MD3.495 Beiträge
Aug. 2021
Mount Defiance sits 700 feet above Fort Ticonderoga with commanding views of the Fort and Lake Champlain, but was deemed inaccessible and never fortified. The British did use this position to reign bombs down at the Fort a mile away driving the Colonists out once in 1777.
The steep drive up the mountain is worth it and the views of the lake valley and 2 states in sensational.
The steep drive up the mountain is worth it and the views of the lake valley and 2 states in sensational.
Verfasst am 28. August 2021
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Thank you for your review and for including Mount Defiance in your Fort Ticonderoga experience, Mark!
Verfasst am 31. August 2021
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Waldorf, MD149 Beiträge
Aug. 2021 • Familie
We first visited Fort Ticonderoga and got a token to go up to the top of Mt. Defiance, without the token the cost is $10 (which seems a little much). The drive up is a steep road with a small parking area at the top. The view down to the fort and the surrounding area is excellent and the history is quite interesting. We spent about 20 mat the top, which seemed like enough time. There are some picnic tables at the top.
Verfasst am 27. August 2021
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Thank you for your visit and review! We are glad that you were able to include Mount Defiance in your Fort Ticonderoga experience.
Verfasst am 31. August 2021
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Greenwich, Connecticut3.638 Beiträge
Aug. 2021 • Paare
Getting there from the Fort was a bit confusing because of serious road construction. Google did not route us around it so if you are crunched for time, leave 10 minutes earlier just to be safe. We got to the gate 5 minutes before closing time but were able to enjoy some impressive views.
Verfasst am 23. August 2021
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
We are so pleased that you were able to include Mount Defiance in your visit to Fort Ticonderoga!
Verfasst am 25. August 2021
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
New Jersey2.018 Beiträge
Sept. 2020
We happened to be the first car to go up on a Thursday summer morning, so I can’t tell you how crowded or not the place gets. The roadway up is two-way, winding, and fairly steep in parts, so proceed with caution. It splits as you get near the top so that you have one-way going into the parking lot there and one-way coming out of it. The parking lot is unpaved, and hence spaces are not marked. From there it is another 100-foot or so walk up to the very top of the mountain.
At the top there are two cannons (they point towards Fort Ticonderoga, if you have trouble finding it), a flagpole, some wooden picnic tables, a covered pavilion, and a fenced-off building (weather station?). When we went there were no seats or benches, so plan accordingly. There is a large rock surrounding the flagpole, however, and it could easily serve as a place to sit.
The view is absolutely beautiful. To the left is Fort Ticonderoga. In front of you is the southern end of Lake Champlain, and on the other side of it is Vermont. There are trees, rolling hills, grasslands, and mountains everywhere. There are several farms on the Vermont side, which are distinguished by their silos. To the far right you can see a boat marina. In the fall the view must be nothing short of heavenly.
Helpful Things to Know:
1. You can hike up to the top, which many people apparently do. There is a small, unpaved area (like a turn-out) on Defiance Street near the main gate. It can accommodate 7 or 8 cars.
2. If you’re going up by car, there is a $10 fee which you can pay at the gate via credit card. If you have been to Fort Ticonderoga, your general admission ticket includes free admission to Mt. Defiance via a token that will open the entrance gate.
3. If you want a good picture of Fort Ticonderoga, make sure your camera has a zoom function.
4. In the summer months the area around the pavilion gets hot because much of it is exposed to the sun. There are only a few trees that provide some shade.
5. On the left side of the pavilion there is a ramp made from stone that leads into the pavilion. In theory, at least, the pavilion is wheelchair accessible. However, a lot of the surrounding ground is bare and gravel-strewn, and there is not a smooth and level transition from the ground to the ramp. My guess would be, therefore, that handicap access would be somewhat challenging, though not impossible.
6. There is a garbage can in the pavilion for trash disposal.
7. If you plan on staying for any length of time, you may want to bring folding chairs with you.
8. The drive to the top of the mountain takes about five minutes from Montcalm Avenue at Champlain Avenue. The route is shown on the paperwork you get at Fort Ticonderoga.
9. On the way down the mountain from our visit, there were two cars racing like fools to the top. This was very irresponsible and dangerous on their part. Please proceed up and down the mountain carefully.
If you are in the area for some of the local attractions, don’t pass up the opportunity to see Mt. Defiance, especially if you have gone to Fort Ticonderoga, since your admission is included.
If my review and/or photos were helpful to you, please consider clicking the thumbs-up button. Thank you!
At the top there are two cannons (they point towards Fort Ticonderoga, if you have trouble finding it), a flagpole, some wooden picnic tables, a covered pavilion, and a fenced-off building (weather station?). When we went there were no seats or benches, so plan accordingly. There is a large rock surrounding the flagpole, however, and it could easily serve as a place to sit.
The view is absolutely beautiful. To the left is Fort Ticonderoga. In front of you is the southern end of Lake Champlain, and on the other side of it is Vermont. There are trees, rolling hills, grasslands, and mountains everywhere. There are several farms on the Vermont side, which are distinguished by their silos. To the far right you can see a boat marina. In the fall the view must be nothing short of heavenly.
Helpful Things to Know:
1. You can hike up to the top, which many people apparently do. There is a small, unpaved area (like a turn-out) on Defiance Street near the main gate. It can accommodate 7 or 8 cars.
2. If you’re going up by car, there is a $10 fee which you can pay at the gate via credit card. If you have been to Fort Ticonderoga, your general admission ticket includes free admission to Mt. Defiance via a token that will open the entrance gate.
3. If you want a good picture of Fort Ticonderoga, make sure your camera has a zoom function.
4. In the summer months the area around the pavilion gets hot because much of it is exposed to the sun. There are only a few trees that provide some shade.
5. On the left side of the pavilion there is a ramp made from stone that leads into the pavilion. In theory, at least, the pavilion is wheelchair accessible. However, a lot of the surrounding ground is bare and gravel-strewn, and there is not a smooth and level transition from the ground to the ramp. My guess would be, therefore, that handicap access would be somewhat challenging, though not impossible.
6. There is a garbage can in the pavilion for trash disposal.
7. If you plan on staying for any length of time, you may want to bring folding chairs with you.
8. The drive to the top of the mountain takes about five minutes from Montcalm Avenue at Champlain Avenue. The route is shown on the paperwork you get at Fort Ticonderoga.
9. On the way down the mountain from our visit, there were two cars racing like fools to the top. This was very irresponsible and dangerous on their part. Please proceed up and down the mountain carefully.
If you are in the area for some of the local attractions, don’t pass up the opportunity to see Mt. Defiance, especially if you have gone to Fort Ticonderoga, since your admission is included.
If my review and/or photos were helpful to you, please consider clicking the thumbs-up button. Thank you!
Verfasst am 21. August 2021
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Wow! What a lovely and informative review! Thank you for taking the time to give fellow travelers some pointers. We are so pleased that you enjoyed your trek up to the top of Mount Defiance. Thank you also for sharing your photos!
Verfasst am 25. August 2021
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Has anyone done the hike to the top? If so we would like details, length, terrain, incline etc. I enjoy hiking, but we are in our 60's and no the best shape we could be in! Thank you!
Verfasst am 29. Mai 2016
It is very walkable. The inclines are steep but not too steep. Since you're taking your time you can always stop and rest. At least you're not pushing a cannon up the mountain like they did during the Revolutionary War.
Verfasst am 20. August 2018
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