Ocean County Artists Guild

Ocean County Artists Guild

Ocean County Artists Guild
Mal- und TöpferwerkstättenKunstgalerienKurse & Workshops
Dauer: 1-2 Stunden
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5,0 von fünf Punkten5 Bewertungen
Sehr gut

Carol Ann G
15 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Sept. 2017
Classes, Workshops, Events, Monthly Gallery Shows, fabulous! Don't miss it. Friendly helpful people ready to share their art.
Verfasst am 15. September 2017
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Toms River, NJ14 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2017 • Allein/Single
Abeautiful original Victorian Mansion on the banks of the Toms River in Island Heights, N.J.Although there are 3 galleries of art, there is a gift shop where fine examples of local artists work can be purchased.. This month through the end of may, the first gallery has a solo show of fine water colors. Gallery #2 is something rare in New Jersey, 26 encaustic works from abstacts to portraits. Encaustic is painting using Bees wax with pigment and rosin added, melted and while molten is used to paint with. The paintings are immune to mold and ancient examples from Greece and EGYPT have been found and in perfect condition. Their only enemy is heat, as they can melt if displayed improperly. In the large new gallery is the monthly members show . Of course there are classes daily in all art forms, classes accomodate beginners to advanced pupils. There are childrens classes all year long.The main Gallery has wonderful accoustics and on the 3 rd friday of every month there is a concert featuring acoustic musicians from all over, everyone is welcome. There is a suggested donation of $5.00 per person. Doors open at 7 pm, so that the ART may be viewed, music starts at 8pm til 10pm with a short break mid-way for coffee and .The guild is open everyday but monday from 1pm to 5, there is no charge to view the art or to explore this old victorian beauty or sit on its porch watching the river and its sail boat races usually daily during the summer its
Verfasst am 11. Mai 2017
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Toms River, NJ14 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Juni 2016
A little know gem located in Island heights N.j. The 3 story victorian mansion over looking the Toms River was the home of one of the originators of the guild A small group of women used to meet there for regular meetings to talk about art and share their works. When she died she willed this great old mansio to the group now known as the Ocean County Artist Guild. Over the last 50 years this small group of women has grown to an association of artists asnd general members which has a membership basis past and present of over 1500 members. The guild has increased in size by adding a huge new gallery to the existing building housing an office a long hallway with rest rooms and member created wall tiles lining the corridor walls, at the end of the corridor is a huge new studio where the larger classes meet as well as the demostrations, workshops in different media,monthly concerts and monthly members shows as well as special events like the present state wide juried art show. Last month the juried photography show. Usually every month there isa members art show, one of the benefits of being a member is the right to have your work displayed in the atrt show. There are 2 other studios whee any artist can ask to have a show in that gallery of his or her work for that month. Also on the 1st floor there is a gift shop where many art pieces are for sale at moderate prices. All art displayed in all the galleries are original pieces of art in all media and at reasonable prices there is akso a 3 rd floor which is also used as a classroom for children which runs all year. There are also portrait drawing and life drawing classes offered o sat and sunday in the main gallery on the first floor and life drawing on tues. evening upstairs. The photography club meets monthly. the print club meets weekly. the concerts are usually on the 3rd friday of the month, consiting of acoustical instruments being played by some of the finest entertainers in the county. these artist all appear throughout the ocean count almost all appear at Albert Hall in Waretown, the guild is open everyday from 1pm til closing except for monday when its closed. Its located on the corner of Ocean ave and Chestnut st. or 22 chestnut st island Heights. everyone is welcome to come and view the art and this historical building withouy=t charge. children are of course welcomrd. WE ARE A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION
Verfasst am 12. September 2016
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Dennis W
Manchester Township, NJ36 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Photography, painting and music. Regular music concerts featuring local artists. Phto Group meets there regularly. Art lessons available. Art exhibits. Wonderful people. Small gift shop. Lots of variety. Lots of fun.
Verfasst am 5. Januar 2016
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Boston, MA426 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Feb. 2015 • Familie
Wonderful historic Victorian Home deeded to the Artist Guild which has small gift shop and several halls of local art on display either to be in a juried art show or for a particular showing. All excellent. If in town for several weeks there are many art classes offered reasonably priced for adults and teens. Two blocks from Riverfront boardwalk which is a joy to stroll. A few shops/restaurants to grab a bite to eat. Could spend about 2 hours.
Verfasst am 21. April 2015
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Ocean County Artists Guild (Island Heights) - Lohnt es sich? Aktuell für 2025 (Mit fotos)

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