Touren in Saariselka
Aurora Rodeln in Saariselkä (geführte Tour)
Aurora Rodeln in Saariselkä (geführte Tour)
Von Saariselka Ski & Sport Resort
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Alter: 1 - 101, maximal 8 Pers. pro Gruppe
Dauer: 2 Std.
Startzeit: Verfügbarkeit prüfen
Mobiles Ticket
Reiseführer (Person): Englisch
- Rodel
- Helm
Nicht im Leistungsumfang enthalten- Es wird erwartet, dass Sie warme Kleidung tragen.
- Start:
- Saariselkä Ski & Sport Resort Ltd, Kullanhuuhtojantie, 99830 Saariselkä, FinlandKommen Sie einfach in das Service Center des Saariselkä Ski & Sport Resorts.
Ende:Diese Aktivität endet an dem Treffpunkt, an dem sie begonnen hat. - Nicht barrierefrei
- Gute Anbindung an öffentlichen Nahverkehr
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- Diese Tour/Aktivität ist für höchstens 8 Reisende geeignet.
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- 145oleh0 BeiträgeAdrenalinkick und AufwärmenHaben einen 2h Tarif für Schlittenfahren genommen: darin waren eingebunden, die Liftfahrt, ein Schlitten und ein Helm. Der Ausblick von der Bergstation und dem Aussichtspunkt war wunderschön. Die Schlittenstrecke hat es auf jeden Fall in sich: es geht super schnell runter und macht auch riesigen Spaß. Für den Skipass (den man fürs Hochfahren kriegt) kriegt man im daneben Liegenden Restaurant ein Getränk gratis und kann sich nach der Action aufwärmenVerfasst am 27. März 2024
- lydiarP9100SD0 Beiträgetolle Rodelbahnda wir keine Skifahrer sind haben wir uns einen Schlitten geliehen und sind die Rodelbahn runtergesaust - 1,8 km Länge, top! mit dem Sessellift dann wieder hoch auf den Kaunispää, hat super Spaß gemachtVerfasst am 14. März 2020
- silvio k0 BeiträgeNördlichstes Ski-GebietKein anspruchsvolles Gebiet, aber für einen Tag sehr schön und leer, leer, leer. Außerdem gibt es eine 1A Rodelbahn mit witziger Beleuchtung.Verfasst am 23. Januar 2020
- Thgwb0 BeiträgeNördlichstes Skigebiet EuropasKlein, aber ganz fein. I.d.R. wenig Betrieb, daher aber auch relativ alte Lifte. Schlepper sind zwar unbequem, aber bei + 26 Grad besser als zugefrorene Sessel ohne Haube. Trotzdem, wenn man dort ist, sollte man einen Tag fahren.Verfasst am 14. April 2019
- reise450 BeiträgeAbsolut empfehlenswert!Familienfreundlich (Kinder bis 6 Jahre für Winteraktivitäten frei samt gratis Helm etc.), landschaftlich schön, übersichtlich und nicht überlaufen.Verfasst am 28. Februar 2019
- bkeins0 BeiträgeTolle Berge für LapplandMan kann ja im hohen Norden nicht auf soviel Berge hoffen. In dem kleinen Skigebiet kann man jedoch den Berg gut runterrutschen. Nicht nur mit den Skiern sondern auch mit den Plastikschlitten. Man kann sich eine 2 Stunden Karte für den Skipark kaufen, und dann so oft man will, die Rodelstrecke runterrutschen. Macht sehr viel Spaß. Es sind drei Routen. Das Restaurant ist auch gut.Verfasst am 25. September 2018
- Fredyjudsg0 BeiträgeDurchreise im SommerAuch im Sommer ist der Besuch des Skiberges von Saariselkä zu empfehlen. Die Rundumsicht über das weite Land in grün kann genauso entzücken. Wir besuchten es bei sommerlichen Temperaturen. Es gibt ein Restaurant und einen wenig hohen Aussichtsturm aus Holz. Zudem laufen auch Rentiere über den Weg. Eine schöne Erinnerung aus dem Polarkreis mit 24- Stunden Sonnenlicht.Verfasst am 2. Juli 2018
- Norbert R0 BeiträgeHERVORRAGENDES LoipengebietSehr gut präparierte Loipen, klassisch und skating. Auch sehr gute beleuchtete Loipen. Gute Beschilderung.Verfasst am 7. März 2017
- traveller_germany7770 BeiträgeFür Skifahrer bietet Saariselka alles an einem OrtFür Skifahrer bietet Saariselka alles an einem Ort mit kurzen Wegen - richtig charmant ist der Ort aber nicht - eine Ansammlung von Hotels und RestaurantsVerfasst am 22. Januar 2017
- Alexander S0 BeiträgeSnowboardspass für AnfängerDie Pisten und Lifte sind wirklich gut in Schuss. Es gibt ca 5 Pisten von denen eine nur für Anfänger gemacht wurde - so scheint es zumindest. Eigentlich hat man nach einem tag alles durchprobiert aber für Anfänger und zum lernen sind die Pisten ideal. Es gab zu Neujahr sogar eine große Rampe und ein Abendprogramm. Der skiverleih ist freundlich und preiswert, lediglich die liftkarten sind abartig teuer... Etwas gewundert haben wir uns allerdings über die Lehrmethoden in der Snowboardschule, da habe ich schon bessere Lehrmethoden gesehen, was sich auch in der regelmäßigkeit der stürze der Schüler widerspiegelte.. Alles in allem 4 Tage Spaß pur.Verfasst am 20. Januar 2016
- Reise08220 BeiträgeSchöne Aussicht von ganz obenDie Auffahrtsstraße liegt außerhalb des Ortes Saariselkä Richtung Inari. Man hat von oben einen schönen Rundblick. Der Sessellift fährt bis spät nachts über die beleuchtete Piste. Man kann aber auch mit Schlitten oder Skiern runterfahren. Oben ein großes, einfaches Restaurant, im Winter tief verschneit mit großen Eiszapfen an den Dächern. man kann eine Rundwanderwege ausprobieren, aber Vorsicht, man verirrt sich leicht. Großér Parkplatz, oft weht ein rauer. eisiger Wind.Verfasst am 22. Oktober 2014
- D_and_S10 BeiträgeSkifahren in LeviDie Pisten sind gut, aber nach einem Tag hat mal alles gesehen. Leider waren nur 3 Fahrstühle offen und ca. 8 Pisten, es hat aber dennoch viel Spass gemacht. Außerdem gibt es ein schönes Cafe. Das Ski-Verleih Center war sehr hilfsbereit. Ski-Pass und Ausrüstung zusammen kosten etwa 70€/Tag.Verfasst am 17. Februar 2013
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9 Bewertungen
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86 Beiträge
Feb. 2024 • Paare
Nice fun, the longest bobsled track in Europe!. It costs 39 euros to rent the bob + helmet + chairlift, lasting two hours. Fun but be careful, it's very, very cold and you risk getting all the snow in your face when you brake. It would be better to have a helmet with a visor or a ski mask. Overall fun
Verfasst am 28. Februar 2024
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Toulouse, Frankreich61 Beiträge
Dez. 2023 • Familie
Beautiful place for tobogganing!
Yes, it was quite expensive, not very brightly lit, no clear indications of where to go, and a bit difficult to carry the sledges on the lift correctly, but... the fun was there!
Huge tobogganing path, where you would normally ski/snowboard, so that was quite an adrenaline shot!
Not suitable for small children, as it goes really really fast, and you get a lot of frozen snow blown on your face and on your body: don't forget your ski mask and the heating pads in the gloves and boots!
But as a family with +10 year-olds, that was really really fun!
Yes, it was quite expensive, not very brightly lit, no clear indications of where to go, and a bit difficult to carry the sledges on the lift correctly, but... the fun was there!
Huge tobogganing path, where you would normally ski/snowboard, so that was quite an adrenaline shot!
Not suitable for small children, as it goes really really fast, and you get a lot of frozen snow blown on your face and on your body: don't forget your ski mask and the heating pads in the gloves and boots!
But as a family with +10 year-olds, that was really really fun!
Verfasst am 17. Dezember 2023
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
2 Beiträge
Dez. 2021
Totally surpassed my expectations. Myself and 10 year old twins had walked from town and went to the rental shop where the super helpful assistant kitted us out with helmets, huge toboggans, a chair lift pass for 2 hours as well as which way to go. It's a bit of a juggle on the chair lift but to be expected.
It was early December and we had the toboggan slope to ourselves, an absolute privilege. In my my totally non-professional opinion, it's perfect for maybe 8 year olds and upwards, goggles are a must. There is a small part of the slope that is equivalent to a red run but it is preceded by a fairly flat bit so come to a stop naturally meaning you can control yourself with your hands for the steep bit.
We did it 3 times, I would have gone a 4th but it was -11 so we called it a day. A very special memory and I would dearly love to return for a ski holiday.
It was early December and we had the toboggan slope to ourselves, an absolute privilege. In my my totally non-professional opinion, it's perfect for maybe 8 year olds and upwards, goggles are a must. There is a small part of the slope that is equivalent to a red run but it is preceded by a fairly flat bit so come to a stop naturally meaning you can control yourself with your hands for the steep bit.
We did it 3 times, I would have gone a 4th but it was -11 so we called it a day. A very special memory and I would dearly love to return for a ski holiday.
Verfasst am 20. Dezember 2021
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Else T
1 Beitrag
Dez. 2020 • Familie
Loving to visit Saariselkä and experience the beautiful nature. However, I think it is my moral duty to warn about the toboggan run. Our children waited very much to experience it. We saw advertisements of it being very long but nobody told us how steep and dangerous it is. 🙁
There are very steep sections, tight curves and the speed rises easily extemely high. You can try to brake with your feet, but then the snow flies like needles to your eyes. But, of course you just have to brake. I did not see anything and in a curve I flied against a barrier. It was broken and the steel pipe hit my leg. My husband with our little child was about to go off track from a spot with no barriers. I can not imagine what might be the consequences if mashing a tree with that speed.
There should be information that this is a black slope kind of sport, recomendation of the goggles and a sign that no slalom skiers could enter this slope. ( If you want to through yourself from the toboggan when speed is too high, pray that there are no skiers behind you.)
However, my teenage boy said that ”no danger, no fun”. He enjoyed this exteme sport. So, I only think that the right kind of information should be given.
Btw, In rental office noboby mentioned that goggles are recomended (There should be a extreme sport warning sign and a recommendation of goggles even thought you can not rent them).Of course it might be so that even with goggles you don’t see nothing.
There are very steep sections, tight curves and the speed rises easily extemely high. You can try to brake with your feet, but then the snow flies like needles to your eyes. But, of course you just have to brake. I did not see anything and in a curve I flied against a barrier. It was broken and the steel pipe hit my leg. My husband with our little child was about to go off track from a spot with no barriers. I can not imagine what might be the consequences if mashing a tree with that speed.
There should be information that this is a black slope kind of sport, recomendation of the goggles and a sign that no slalom skiers could enter this slope. ( If you want to through yourself from the toboggan when speed is too high, pray that there are no skiers behind you.)
However, my teenage boy said that ”no danger, no fun”. He enjoyed this exteme sport. So, I only think that the right kind of information should be given.
Btw, In rental office noboby mentioned that goggles are recomended (There should be a extreme sport warning sign and a recommendation of goggles even thought you can not rent them).Of course it might be so that even with goggles you don’t see nothing.
Verfasst am 28. Dezember 2020
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Carol W
Johannesburg, Südafrika113 Beiträge
Jan. 2020 • Familie
We had the most amazing experience Tobogganing down the longest strip in Helsinki. We took the ski bus - 5€ each - to the ski club which was easy. You get your toboggan & helmets at the club incl your ski lift pass that takes you to the top. They slow the lift as you go on & off the lift for you because you are with children. The view from the top is breathtaking. The tobogganing strip is incredible and very steep & windy towards the end but very much worth the experience - at least once. I wouldn’t recommend it for young children as they cannot go on their own. My son (8yrs old) managed. But my daughter (6yrs old) didn’t. Lots of fun. Just ensure you have proper thermal gear on (can be hired in the village at any of the safari places). There are other activities incl in your ticket such as tubeing but we didn’t try it. If you are a skier this is the place to ski.
Verfasst am 21. Januar 2020
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Thank you for your thorough review. Welcome back when your daughter is old enough too. :)
Verfasst am 25. Januar 2020
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Varun Kamalahasan
Chennai (Madras), Indien2 Beiträge
Dez. 2019 • Familie
The Aurora Tobogganing was a breathtaking and adrenaline pumping experience. Our private guide was really fun and informative. She really made sure we enjoyed our time there. She was very considerate about my elderly father who had never even been on a ski lift before. We had a blast. I would definitely recommend hiring a guide to experience this one of a kind tobogganing run.
Verfasst am 1. Januar 2020
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Hello Varun ! Amazing, great thanks for Your warm and heartly feedback ! Thank You for visiting us and I will pass on your message forward to guides too. Happy New Year and all the best for the started 2020!
Verfasst am 3. Januar 2020
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Bedford, UK163 Beiträge
Go there if you wish to experience magical winter land. It was not in our initial planned Finland itinerary when we reached on Day 1 to Helsinki. The plan was Rovaniemi after, then to Kiilopää and Ivalo. My wife was doing some googling and found this place which is on the way from Kiilopää to Ivalo and very near to Saariselkä.
There was a direct shutttle for our Kiilopää hotel to this place in morning after early breakfast. The shuttle was only 5 euros for full day.
We took shuttle with our luggage and not knowing if there would be any luggage facility at this place.
You feel amazing all the way with nice Hollywood scenic view while on bus and come to heaven as soon as you get off the bus.
Friendly staff. She allowed to keep luggage just behind the reception but we noted on return later that there was big storage facility on basement floor and could be used if needed.
We took winter fun package and it was around 25 euros per adult. This included 2 hrs unlimited lift both ways to snow hill, tobogganing sleigh, helmet, safety instructions, brief guidance and smiles. We didn’t go for guided tobogganing tour and honestly after we enjoyed the experience, I can suggest you do on your own for fun and adventure experience.
After we took lift chair to top of hill, Tobogganing down track from hill is 1.8 km, swirly and very fast and few places. I don’t think we can experience this type of tobogganing anywhere else.
We had 4 goes up and down in 2 hrs. Kids really loved it.
In last attempt, we spent extra time on top of hill to enjoy scenery and for photos.
The total time spent to this place was around 3.5 hrs.
After lunch, which was reasonably priced, we took shuttle to Saariselkä ( price already included in morning ticket) and then bus to Ivalo.
It will remain memorable for years.
There was a direct shutttle for our Kiilopää hotel to this place in morning after early breakfast. The shuttle was only 5 euros for full day.
We took shuttle with our luggage and not knowing if there would be any luggage facility at this place.
You feel amazing all the way with nice Hollywood scenic view while on bus and come to heaven as soon as you get off the bus.
Friendly staff. She allowed to keep luggage just behind the reception but we noted on return later that there was big storage facility on basement floor and could be used if needed.
We took winter fun package and it was around 25 euros per adult. This included 2 hrs unlimited lift both ways to snow hill, tobogganing sleigh, helmet, safety instructions, brief guidance and smiles. We didn’t go for guided tobogganing tour and honestly after we enjoyed the experience, I can suggest you do on your own for fun and adventure experience.
After we took lift chair to top of hill, Tobogganing down track from hill is 1.8 km, swirly and very fast and few places. I don’t think we can experience this type of tobogganing anywhere else.
We had 4 goes up and down in 2 hrs. Kids really loved it.
In last attempt, we spent extra time on top of hill to enjoy scenery and for photos.
The total time spent to this place was around 3.5 hrs.
After lunch, which was reasonably priced, we took shuttle to Saariselkä ( price already included in morning ticket) and then bus to Ivalo.
It will remain memorable for years.
Verfasst am 21. Dezember 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Hi Anoopa 329, thank You SO much for Your review and feedback. We are so delighted to hear this and that You had a memorable time with us. Always glad to have You here again. All the best and a Merry Christmas!
Verfasst am 23. Dezember 2019
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
2 Beiträge
Dez. 2019 • Familie
We did it non guided tour and it’s was fun for whole family and not too difficult
Bought winter package family ticket from ski resort reception and it gave access for 2 hours for unlimited ski lift and toboggan run and also provide helmets and snow sledding
Bought winter package family ticket from ski resort reception and it gave access for 2 hours for unlimited ski lift and toboggan run and also provide helmets and snow sledding
Verfasst am 21. Dezember 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Hi Meander! Thank You for visiting us with Your family and warm thanks for Your feedback too! Wish You and Your family a Merry Christmas! See You again!
Verfasst am 23. Dezember 2019
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Gary G
Formby, UK54 Beiträge
Dez. 2019 • Familie
Excellent place really enjoyed the toboggan run with the wife and kids. Never seen the kids smile so much staff really friendly. €25 for an adult and €12 for a child for a 2 hour lift pass 👍
Verfasst am 10. Dezember 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Hello Garvo5. Thank You warmly for your feedback and regards! A merry Christmas to You and welcome again !
Verfasst am 23. Dezember 2019
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Is this activity available without pre-booking?
Verfasst am 26. Oktober 2019
Hi are you open in December
Verfasst am 15. Juli 2019
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